Crain Ford Jacksonville

Sep 9, 2022
Profile view of a blue 2022 Ford Edge being driven on the road. | Ford dealer in Jacksonville, AR.

It can take a long time to get on the road if you’re saving up to pay for your vehicle in cash. Luckily there’s a solution: first-class car financing through your local Ford dealer! By choosing to get your new ride on credit, you can be on the road much sooner, and there are lots of other benefits as well. Read on to find out the ways auto financing through your dealership is the best option for you.

1. You Could Afford a Better Car

Auto financing means that you won’t have to pay for your new vehicle all in one go; the cost is spread over a certain amount of time that you and your dealership will agree on. This means that you might be able to afford a better car than you would otherwise. Why settle for second best when you could have the car of your dreams?

Getting a newer car could also save you money further on down the road, as costly repairs can crop up quickly in used cars. However, if you’ve bought the latest high-quality model on finance, you could be looking forward to many years of happy driving before you need to come back for repairs.

2. It’s Great for Your Credit Score

Getting a car with auto financing could be a great way to quickly improve your credit score. Even if your rating is less than perfect, we’ll still be happy to work with you to find great value financing to get you on the road. So long as you keep on top of your payments, your credit score could be back on track in no time.

3. Protect Your Savings

Getting auto financing for your new Ford means you won’t have to shell out large amounts of cash. By choosing credit instead, you can hold onto your hard-earned savings for a rainy day, while still driving the car you deserve. Why spend money you don’t have to?

4. Make Budgeting Easy

Budgeting can be difficult, especially when money is tight. But with a great value car loan from your dealership, you’ll be able to budget your monthly costs effectively. When you reach an agreement with your dealer, you’ll agree on a monthly payment plan that works well for you, so you’ll know exactly how much you’ll be paying every month. This means you won’t be overspending, and you’ll be able to plan and budget effectively for other areas of your life with ease.

So what are you waiting for? Just head on down to Crain Ford Jacksonville today, and our friendly staff will be happy to help you get car finance that works for you!

Image via Ford.