Crain Ford Jacksonville

Jul 8, 2021

Putting off what does not immediately affect us is a habit just about everyone is guilty of. When that habit leads to delaying a haircut, we just end up looking shaggy; putting off brake repair, however, is a much different matter. Here are 5 reasons why ignoring brake problems is an awful idea and why getting the vehicle into a Ford dealer in Jacksonville, AR for repair as soon as possible is critical.

5 Reasons You Should Never Delay Brake Repair 

Vehicle Control

Most drivers use their brakes almost continuously while driving. Brakes help the vehicle slow down in traffic, maintain control going around corners, avoid obstacles, etc. Because of that, worn brakes that need replacement can cause the driver to lose partial or total control of the vehicle. Diminished control of the vehicle in any capacity can lead to:

  • Poor vehicle performance (gas mileage, wear and tear, etc.)
  • Dangerous driving
  • Vehicular accidents

Stopping the Vehicle

Limited brakes also affect the time and distance it takes to stop a vehicle. If the brakes are lost entirely, the vehicle will only stop when it loses forward momentum. That can cause problems when driving in traffic as well as when parking, navigating corners or making changes in speed.

Greater Damage

Damaged brakes that are not repaired can harm other parts of the vehicle. The most obvious example is when failed brakes cause an accident but even normal wear and tear on the vehicle is increased if the brakes are failing or worn through entirely. Excessive wear and tear from bad brakes can lead to tire, wheel, and braking system damage.

The Law

Motor vehicle law mandates that drivers always maintain control of their vehicles. When a vehicle’s brakes are failing or failed, the driver does not have total control. That can lead to a ticket and/or influence the outcome of traffic accident investigations.

Insurance Liability

Insurance companies look for any way possible to avoid or reduce the amount of a policy payout even if the insurance company’s client is at fault in an accident. If a vehicle with failed or failing brakes is involved in that accident and the insurance company finds out, they will use the state of the brakes against the driver of that vehicle to reduce their payout costs.

There Are No Savings

The point brake problems are noticed by a driver or discovered by a mechanic is the best condition those brakes will be in until they are fixed. Delaying repairing them only means risking more damage and potentially even more costly repairs. It will never be cheaper to get them repaired than it is right now.

Your Local Ford dealer in Jacksonville, AR Dealer Can Help

Ford only employs certified and competent mechanics. A repair job by a Ford mechanic means a vehicle’s brakes will be fixed using the best parts and at an economical price.

Failing brakes are not something to ignore. In fact, ignoring them can be costly and even deadly. If your vehicle needs brake work, contact Crain Ford in Jacksonville today.