Crain Ford Jacksonville

Jan 8, 2021

All cars will need repairs at some point, and transmission repairs are some of the most important. If your car has been acting up but you’re not sure whether it’s time for a repair, here are some signs you should bring your car to your mechanic.

Top 4 Signs Your Car May Need a Transmission Repair

1. Your Car Is Making Weird Noises

Every car has its quirks. But if your car is picking up some new, noisier quirks, that’s a sign it could be time for your transmission to get checked. Your car might start squealing, buzzing, or making unnerving clunking sounds.

If your car is making noises or strangely loud while it’s in neutral, that’s another indicator something’s wrong. It’s not always the transmission that causes your car to make abnormal noises, but you’re definitely going to want to get your car looked at regardless.

2. There’s a Burning Smell

If you’ve ever smelled transmission fluid, then you know its unique scent. Normally, transmission fluid smells very sweet. If you’re finding that there’s a burning smell, particularly when you shift gears, then it’s time to get that transmission checked.

You might also notice that unpleasant burning smell once you get out of your car. Whether you’re smelling it while shifting gears or once you climb out of the car, burning smells coming from your vehicle are never a good sign, and you should get your car checked immediately. It may not necessarily be the transmission’s problem, but it’s not something you want to take lightly.

3. You’re Having Problems Shifting Gears

Is your car experiencing problems when you’re shifting gears? Does it fall out of place while you’re driving, shift unpredictably, or jerk when you’re trying to shift gears? Those are all indicators that something’s going on with your transmission.

If you’re experiencing any issues with your gear shifting, you should visit your dealership right away. Not only is having problems with shifting gears inconvenient, but it’s also dangerous. You want to be in control of your car at all times, and if your gears are shifting erratically, that means you’re losing that control which can be potentially unsafe.

4. Your Transmission Fluid Is Leaking

Transmission fluid has a distinguishable bright red color. If you’re finding this red liquid on your driveway, then your transmission fluid is leaking. You’ll want to visit your dealership to have this looked at right away. While leaking doesn’t always necessarily indicate a damaged transmission, allowing it to continue leaking will eventually affect your transmission.

If you’re finding transmission fluid on your driveway, you should also take a moment to look at the liquid itself. If the transmission fluid’s normally red color is cloudy-looking, or it smells burnt rather than sweet, you’re going to want to head to your dealership.

We rely on our cars every day to get us to where we need to be. That’s why it’s important to take good care of them! If you notice anything strange with your car, like your transmission fluid leaking, the fluid smelling strange, issues shifting gears, or strange noises, it’s time to get your transmission checked. Bring your car down to Crain Ford Jacksonville and let the experts take a look!